David’s Care Story: Planning Care for a Resistant Parent

David’s Story: Meet David: An only child responsible for starting senior care planning for his failing mother living with dementia. David needs to find care for his mother. He also operates two businesses and is raising a family, David, while having experience in the home care industry, still faces a difficult decision. He needs to…

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5 Things We Can Learn From Stephen Hawking About Living with ALS

Yesterday morning Stephen Hawking, a world-renowned physicist, died at the age of 76 in his Cambridge home. Stephen Hawking is a revolutionary scientist who made many discoveries about the intricacies of black hole mechanics and singularities. In addition to be an incredible scientist he was a sufferer of ALS. He was diagnosed with ALS at…

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What Should I Expect with Senior Home Care?

The concept of senior home care has gained more national attention in recent years as America’s population grows older. By 2050 the senior population is expected to double to a total of nearly 80 million. Because of that there are many services that aim to help people age independently. Home care does exactly that, increase…

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What Services Can You Expect Senior Caregivers Provide?

You may have recently come to a point where you realize your aging loved one needs help. Upon searching for services, you realize, there are an ocean of services that no one explains the rules for. For example, what exactly can an in home caregiver do for my aging loved one? It can be much…

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