Advanced Care Planning During COVID-19 Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has changed a lot about the way we live. And if you are the caretaker of a senior, particularly one with a rapidly-declining condition, you may be struggling with how to make informed decisions on their behalf in the midst of the panic. Here is some advice that may help during this…

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5 Things We Can Learn From Stephen Hawking About Living with ALS

Stephen Hawking was a revolutionary scientist who made many discoveries about the intricacies of black hole mechanics and singularities. In addition to be an incredible scientist he was a sufferer of ALS. He was diagnosed with ALS at the age of 21 and proceeded to live a remarkable life. His dedication to his fellow man…

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How to Plan Ahead to Ensure You Can Afford Long-Term Care

While it can certainly be downright impossible to predict the future, there are some things we all can do to plan for optimal health. That starts with taking a good, hard look at your current state of health, daily habits, and family health history. When you take a full inventory of your health, you’ll gain…

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How to Plan For More Affordable Senior Home Care

There is no way around it. Senior care is costly. No matter what service your loved one requires, the truth is that it will likely cost more than you are expecting. The odds are 1 in 5 that your loved one will have over $25,000 in out of pocket long term care costs. And that…

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