5 Safety Tips for Elderly Drivers That Could Save a Life

Safety for Elderly Drivers It can be extremely difficult to candidly approach the subject of safety with an elderly driver. Being able to drive offers a person independence and mobility, a feeling that many seniors are already losing physically. Because of this, many families turn a blind eye to their loved one’s poor driving habits.…

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What Should I Expect with Senior Home Care?

The concept of senior home care has gained more national attention in recent years as America’s population grows older. By 2050 the senior population is expected to double to a total of nearly 80 million. Because of that there are many services that aim to help people age independently. Home care does exactly that, increase…

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4 Ways Technology Can Help Seniors Connect With Loved Ones

It’s easy to assume that seniors would be resistant to using modern technology. But today, these devices can actually help seniors stay connected to friends and relatives who live far away. It’s not always possible for seniors to spend time with their loved ones in person, and according to Seniors Bluebook, seniors who feel isolated…

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Managing Multiple Sclerosis

What is Multiple Sclerosis (MS)? Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disease affecting the brain and spinal cord, meaning instead of the immune system in your body attacking bacteria and viruses, it attacks the body’s own tissue in the brain and spinal cord. While about 2.5 million people in the United States have MS, there is…

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Tips for Senior Hearing Loss

Prevalence of Senior Hearing Loss One of the most common afflictions for older Americans is hearing loss. This hearing loss typically occurs gradually over the course of a person’s life, so the shift into debilitating hearing loss can be difficult for a person to detect individually. Approximately 2 in 3 people over the age of 75…

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